Angles – Find Your Level
A progress sheet to print out, questions on various topics to check knowledge and focus revision in the places where it’s needed. This starts at measuring and drawing, types of angle (G/1), on a line/around a point (F/1), triangles and quadrilaterals (E/2), parallel lines (D/3), polygons (C/4), bearings (C/4&5) and circle theorems (A/7&8).
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A progress sheet to print out, questions on various topics to check knowledge and focus revision in the places where it’s needed. This starts at measuring and drawing, types of angle (G/1), on a line/around a point (F/1), triangles and quadrilaterals (E/2), parallel lines (D/3), polygons (C/4), bearings (C/4&5) and circle theorems (A/7&8).
Topics included in this bundle: Angles Find Your Level
This resource contains:
- 1 pptx file (2.63 MB)
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I hope you find this resource helpful!
-Andy Lutwyche
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