Clumsy Clive Geometry and Data Bundle - Andy Lutwyche

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Clumsy Clive Geometry and Data Bundle


These are all available for free individually but if you don’t have the time then this is for you. Clive makes common mistakes, mistakes you’ll have seen in class. Your students need to find the mistakes, correct them and explain where Clive has gone wrong so that he doesn’t do the same thing again. These activities are designed to create discussion in class and can be used to assess understanding.

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These are all available for free individually but if you don’t have the time then this is for you. Clive makes common mistakes, mistakes you’ll have seen in class. Your students need to find the mistakes, correct them and explain where Clive has gone wrong so that he doesn’t do the same thing again. These activities are designed to create discussion in class and can be used to assess understanding.

Topics included in this bundle:
Angles 1 (Basic), Angles 2 (Parallel Lines), Angles 3 (Polygons), Angles 4 (Circle Theorems), Average and Range, Bearings, Compound Measures, Converting Metric Measures, Error In Measurement, Perimeter, Area, Volume 1, Perimeter, Area, Volume 2, Perimeter, Area, Volume 3, Probability, Pythagoras and Trigonometry 1, Pythagoras and Trigonometry 2, Sets and Venn Diagrams, Statistical Diagrams 1, Statistical Diagrams 2, Transformations 1, Transformations 2, Tree Diagrams, Vectors

This resource bundle contains:

  • 44 docx files

Got a specific question about this resource? Ask me on Twitter @andylutwyche

I hope you find this resource helpful!

-Andy Lutwyche

By purchasing and/or downloading this electronic file you agree not to distribute, post online, place on a school server/shared drive, or resell any part of this file. Note that resources in this bundle may also be available for free.

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