Clumsy Clive On Decimals, Fractions and Percentages
Clive is having more issues, this time with decimals, and a little bit of fractions and percentages. This involves ordering, adding, multiplying, dividing and recurring decimals. Clive needs someone to explain what he’s got wrong. This should encourage students to demonstrate their understanding.
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SKU: 11743773
Categories: Decimals, Fractions Decimals Percentage Equivalence
Clive is having more issues, this time with decimals, and a little bit of fractions and percentages. This involves ordering, adding, multiplying, dividing and recurring decimals. Clive needs someone to explain what he’s got wrong. This should encourage students to demonstrate their understanding.
This free resource contains:
- 1 docx file (15.38 KB)
- 1 docx file (16.96 KB)
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I hope you find this resource helpful!
-Andy Lutwyche