Clumsy Clive On Perimeter, Area and Volume
Clive has three homework tasks on perimeter, area and volume, each getting increasingly difficult. As usual his answers are riddled with mistakes and it’s down to you to correct them, explaining where he’s gone wrong. These are intended to encourage discussion between students.
I have corrected the error on sheet 2 mentioned in the comments – thank you!
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SKU: 11591754
Categories: 3D Volume Surface Area Density, Area, Circles, Length, Perimeter And Area, Pythagoras, Shape And Space
Clive has three homework tasks on perimeter, area and volume, each getting increasingly difficult. As usual his answers are riddled with mistakes and it’s down to you to correct them, explaining where he’s gone wrong. These are intended to encourage discussion between students.
I have corrected the error on sheet 2 mentioned in the comments – thank you!
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- 1 docx file (32.61 KB)
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- 1 docx file (36.08 KB)
- 1 docx file (32.2 KB)
- 1 docx file (32.92 KB)
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I hope you find this resource helpful!
-Andy Lutwyche