Clumsy Clive On Simultaneous Equations
Clive is tackling a simultaneous equations homework but as per usual is making errors. There are three sets of linear simultaneous equations to correct and a linear/quadratic to look at. I have tried to cover regular errors for students to spot, correct and discuss.
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SKU: 11676361
Categories: Expanding Brackets, Factorising, Quadratics Graphs, Solving Equations, Straight Line Graphs
Clive is tackling a simultaneous equations homework but as per usual is making errors. There are three sets of linear simultaneous equations to correct and a linear/quadratic to look at. I have tried to cover regular errors for students to spot, correct and discuss.
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- 1 docx file (29.9 KB)
- 1 docx file (24.86 KB)
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I hope you find this resource helpful!
-Andy Lutwyche