Crack The Safe – Probability
Four sets of “Crack The Safe” worksheets that get increasingly difficult regarding probability. These allow students to self-check rather than rely on the teacher as possible solutions are given, but more than required to prevent guessing. These work nicely as starters or plenaries for me.
Additional information
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SKU: 11919392
Categories: Handling Data, Probability
Four sets of “Crack The Safe” worksheets that get increasingly difficult regarding probability. These allow students to self-check rather than rely on the teacher as possible solutions are given, but more than required to prevent guessing. These work nicely as starters or plenaries for me.
This free resource contains:
- 1 docx file (179 KB)
- 1 docx file (150.42 KB)
- 1 docx file (142.87 KB)
- 1 docx file (249.89 KB)
- 1 docx file (205.29 KB)
- 1 docx file (269.42 KB)
- 1 docx file (161.03 KB)
- 1 docx file (144.44 KB)
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I hope you find this resource helpful!
-Andy Lutwyche