Defuse The Bomb – Solving Equations
Four different sheets to practise solving linear equations rnaging from simple one step to two step to brackets (including variables on both sides of the “equals”) to fractional parts. Designed as a quick starter, plenary or homework.
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SKU: 11259510
Categories: Expanding Brackets, Solving Equations
Four different sheets to practise solving linear equations rnaging from simple one step to two step to brackets (including variables on both sides of the “equals”) to fractional parts. Designed as a quick starter, plenary or homework.
This free resource contains:
- 1 docx file (51.68 KB)
- 1 docx file (51.54 KB)
- 1 docx file (51.68 KB)
- 1 docx file (51.57 KB)
- 1 docx file (51.63 KB)
- 1 docx file (51.55 KB)
- 1 docx file (51.74 KB)
- 1 docx file (51.64 KB)
Got a specific question about this resource? Ask me on Twitter @andylutwyche
I hope you find this resource helpful!
-Andy Lutwyche