Expanding and Factorising (Single Brackets) Codbreakers - Andy Lutwyche

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Expanding and Factorising (Single Brackets) Codbreakers


The usual concept: do some maths to find the punchline to a cheesy (fish-related) joke. These work well both online and in class due to the answer spelling something so students know whether they are doing it right (or wrong!) quite quickly. There are two codbreakers here: one on expanding a bracket and one on factorising into a single bracket. Typos corrected…

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SKU: 12365585 Category:


The usual concept: do some maths to find the punchline to a cheesy (fish-related) joke. These work well both online and in class due to the answer spelling something so students know whether they are doing it right (or wrong!) quite quickly. There are two codbreakers here: one on expanding a bracket and one on factorising into a single bracket. Typos corrected…

This free resource contains:

  • 1 docx file (39.92 KB)
  • 1 docx file (38.06 KB)
  • 1 docx file (15.77 KB)
  • 1 docx file (15.58 KB)

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I hope you find this resource helpful!

-Andy Lutwyche

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