Inequalities Codbreakers - Andy Lutwyche

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Inequalities Codbreakers


More fish jokes to be discovered having done some maths; there are two to do here, the first dealing with integers that satisfy inequalities (including number lines) and the second that deals with solving inequalities. I use these at various different times of a lesson but clearly the choice is yours whether you use them or not and when! They are always popular even though the groans over the jokes get louder each time.

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More fish jokes to be discovered having done some maths; there are two to do here, the first dealing with integers that satisfy inequalities (including number lines) and the second that deals with solving inequalities. I use these at various different times of a lesson but clearly the choice is yours whether you use them or not and when! They are always popular even though the groans over the jokes get louder each time.

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  • 1 docx file (37.33 KB)
  • 1 docx file (39.08 KB)
  • 1 docx file (34.82 KB)
  • 1 docx file (34.65 KB)

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I hope you find this resource helpful!

-Andy Lutwyche

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