Maths Advent Calendars Bundle
Ten Maths Advent Calendars on various topics including solving linear equations, differentiation (both available separately if you want to see what they are like), indices, substitution, functions, ratio, percentages, equations of line, calculating with fractions and Bidmas. Each has 24 questions whose answers are numbered from 1 to 24 (1/24 to 24/24 in the calculating with fractions one) and when the solutions are placed in order a joke is revealed. These have gone down well in my classes and tick the “proper work right up to the holidays” box too. The jokes are pretty lame but that’s part of it!
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SKU: 12035585
Categories: Formula, Fractions Decimals Percentage Equivalence, Percentages, Powers And Roots, Ratio And Proportion, Solving Equations, Straight Line Graphs
Tag: Bundle
Ten Maths Advent Calendars on various topics including solving linear equations, differentiation (both available separately if you want to see what they are like), indices, substitution, functions, ratio, percentages, equations of line, calculating with fractions and Bidmas. Each has 24 questions whose answers are numbered from 1 to 24 (1/24 to 24/24 in the calculating with fractions one) and when the solutions are placed in order a joke is revealed. These have gone down well in my classes and tick the “proper work right up to the holidays” box too. The jokes are pretty lame but that’s part of it!
Topics included in this bundle: Bidmas Advent Calendar Questions, Calculating With Fractions Advent Calendar Questions, Differentiation Advent Calendar Questions, Equations of Lines Advent Calendar Questions, Functions Advent Calendar Questions, Indices Advent Calendar Questions, Percentages Advent Calendar Questions, Ratio Advent Calendar Questions, Solving Equations Advent Calendar Questions, Substitution Advent Calendar Questions
This resource bundle contains:
- 20 docx files
Got a specific question about this resource? Ask me on Twitter @andylutwyche
I hope you find this resource helpful!
-Andy Lutwyche
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