Metric Units With One Direction - Andy Lutwyche

Metric Units With One Direction


The 1D boys are describing what it’s like to be a pop star but using all the wrong units of measurement; the measurements are correct, but the units need converting. This is an attempt to make metric conversions a bit of fun. I have produced two powerpoints depending on the ability of your class: 1. highlighted to make the units stand out; 2. not highlighted.

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The 1D boys are describing what it’s like to be a pop star but using all the wrong units of measurement; the measurements are correct, but the units need converting. This is an attempt to make metric conversions a bit of fun. I have produced two powerpoints depending on the ability of your class: 1. highlighted to make the units stand out; 2. not highlighted.

This free resource contains:

  • 1 pptx file (953.62 KB)
  • 1 pptx file (952.87 KB)
  • 1 docx file (64.26 KB)
  • 1 docx file (64.39 KB)

Got a specific question about this resource? Ask me on Twitter @andylutwyche

I hope you find this resource helpful!

-Andy Lutwyche

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