Pascal’s Triangle To Binomial Expansion Investigation
This was designed as a “taster” session to A Level mathematics for Year10s/11s and builds on what they should know regarding expanding brackets until they discover that you can use Pascal’s Triangle to expand brackets. It gives them the chance to investigate their theories and what effect a negative sign makes.
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SKU: 11300426
Categories: Binomial Expansion, Expanding Brackets
This was designed as a “taster” session to A Level mathematics for Year10s/11s and builds on what they should know regarding expanding brackets until they discover that you can use Pascal’s Triangle to expand brackets. It gives them the chance to investigate their theories and what effect a negative sign makes.
This free resource contains:
- 1 pptx file (920.64 KB)
Got a specific question about this resource? Ask me on Twitter @andylutwyche
I hope you find this resource helpful!
-Andy Lutwyche