Phineas and Ferb – Trigonometry
Can you help Phineas and Ferb find the missing measurements in these calculations for their giant catapult? You also need to tell Dr Doofenshmirz whether his ray gun will still be accurate when he fires it at Agent P. Designed to be a starter or plenary.
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SKU: 6328116
Category: Perimeter And Area
Can you help Phineas and Ferb find the missing measurements in these calculations for their giant catapult? You also need to tell Dr Doofenshmirz whether his ray gun will still be accurate when he fires it at Agent P. Designed to be a starter or plenary.
This free resource contains:
- 1 notebook file (11.71 MB)
- 1 ppt file (1017.5 KB)
Got a specific question about this resource? Ask me on Twitter @andylutwyche
I hope you find this resource helpful!
-Andy Lutwyche