QR Code Defuse The Bomb - Angles - Andy Lutwyche

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QR Code Defuse The Bomb – Angles


Three sheets varying from basic up to difficult.
Angles 1 – lines, around a point, triangles.
Angles 2 – parallel lines, polygons.
Angles 3 – circle theorems.
Each QR code links to a song where the band or song contains either a number or colour and they must find the final code. Could lead onto questioning and explanations as to how they arrived at their answer.

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SKU: 11006887 Category:


Three sheets varying from basic up to difficult.
Angles 1 – lines, around a point, triangles.
Angles 2 – parallel lines, polygons.
Angles 3 – circle theorems.
Each QR code links to a song where the band or song contains either a number or colour and they must find the final code. Could lead onto questioning and explanations as to how they arrived at their answer.

This free resource contains:

  • 1 docx file (71.19 KB)
  • 1 docx file (70.94 KB)
  • 1 docx file (70.59 KB)
  • 1 docx file (70.37 KB)
  • 1 docx file (152.57 KB)
  • 1 docx file (152.28 KB)

Got a specific question about this resource? Ask me on Twitter @andylutwyche

I hope you find this resource helpful!

-Andy Lutwyche

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