Sequences: Term-To-Term Rules - Andy Lutwyche

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Sequences: Term-To-Term Rules


Describe the term-to-term rules of these then it could be extended to link into nth terms. This is an attempt to show the relationship between the difference and the nth term through comparison and therefore discovery rather than the teacher just saying how it works. I have also thrown in some “famous sequences” that can be discussed.

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Describe the term-to-term rules of these then it could be extended to link into nth terms. This is an attempt to show the relationship between the difference and the nth term through comparison and therefore discovery rather than the teacher just saying how it works. I have also thrown in some “famous sequences” that can be discussed.

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  • 1 docx file (125.4 KB)
  • 1 docx file (125.81 KB)

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I hope you find this resource helpful!

-Andy Lutwyche

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