Solving Inequalities Spiders
A set of six spiders which encourage students to show every stage of their calculations as they tackle increasingly difficult questions. There are also some question where the answer is given and the workings shown so that students can work backwards; this is designed to avoid students getting stuck in a rut and not thinking about what they are doing in each case.
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SKU: 11822987
Categories: Inequalities, Solving Equations
A set of six spiders which encourage students to show every stage of their calculations as they tackle increasingly difficult questions. There are also some question where the answer is given and the workings shown so that students can work backwards; this is designed to avoid students getting stuck in a rut and not thinking about what they are doing in each case.
This free resource contains:
- 1 pptx file (477.62 KB)
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I hope you find this resource helpful!
-Andy Lutwyche