Solving Simultaneous Equations Graphically
This is a worksheet with some questions on solving simultaneous equation in three sections. Section 1 is two linear equations; section 2 is a quadratic and y=n; section 3 is a quadratic and y=mx+c. The first two sections fit onto two sides of A4 and part 3 is the extension ultimately. There is a RAG table for students to mark their progress and this can be amended depending on how far you want to go. Students will need to plot graphs and estimate solutions as not all are integers. Typos corrected!
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SKU: 11486001
Categories: Quadratics Graphs, Solving Equations, Straight Line Graphs
This is a worksheet with some questions on solving simultaneous equation in three sections. Section 1 is two linear equations; section 2 is a quadratic and y=n; section 3 is a quadratic and y=mx+c. The first two sections fit onto two sides of A4 and part 3 is the extension ultimately. There is a RAG table for students to mark their progress and this can be amended depending on how far you want to go. Students will need to plot graphs and estimate solutions as not all are integers. Typos corrected!
This free resource contains:
- 1 docx file (610.61 KB)
- 1 docx file (384.04 KB)
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I hope you find this resource helpful!
-Andy Lutwyche