Exploding Angles - Andy Lutwyche

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Exploding Angles


This activity is designed to be either a quick starter/plenary or a part of a lesson activity. It aims to encourage students to explain their geometric reasoning regarding angles properties including circle theorems. This should lead to discussion as there are some questions where the answer can be achieved in more than one way.

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This activity is designed to be either a quick starter/plenary or a part of a lesson activity. It aims to encourage students to explain their geometric reasoning regarding angles properties including circle theorems. This should lead to discussion as there are some questions where the answer can be achieved in more than one way.

This free resource contains:

  • 1 pptx file (1.03 MB)

Got a specific question about this resource? Ask me on Twitter @andylutwyche

I hope you find this resource helpful!

-Andy Lutwyche

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