Fractions, Decimals, Percentages Photography
Arrange equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages into ‘family’ photos. I have done the smartboard file to show on the board and drag the fractions etc into the right frame if you like.
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SKU: 7521946
Category: Mathematics
Arrange equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages into ‘family’ photos. I have done the smartboard file to show on the board and drag the fractions etc into the right frame if you like.
This free resource contains:
- 1 docx file (860.38 KB)
- 1 notebook file (375.58 KB)
- 1 ppt file (896.93 KB)
Got a specific question about this resource? Ask me on Twitter @andylutwyche
I hope you find this resource helpful!
-Andy Lutwyche