Substitution Spiders
Six maths “spiders” designed to test whether students can substitute in to formulae correctly. The spiders get increasingly difficult and are designed so that they have to think and possibly discuss their answers rather get on a “substitution treadmill”. I know people use these for starters/plenaries and I have used them as tasks in lessons.
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SKU: 11758541
Category: Formula
Six maths “spiders” designed to test whether students can substitute in to formulae correctly. The spiders get increasingly difficult and are designed so that they have to think and possibly discuss their answers rather get on a “substitution treadmill”. I know people use these for starters/plenaries and I have used them as tasks in lessons.
This free resource contains:
- 1 pptx file (461.44 KB)
Got a specific question about this resource? Ask me on Twitter @andylutwyche
I hope you find this resource helpful!
-Andy Lutwyche